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Course Checklist

Required Courses (114 cr.)

First Year (34 cr.)

  • APSC 100 (3) Introduction to Engineering I
  • APSC 101 (3) Introduction to Engineering II
  • APSC 160 (3) Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design
  • CHEM 154 (3) Chemistry for Engineering
  • MATH 100 (3) Differential Calculus with Applications
  • MATH 101 (3) Integral Calculus with Applications
  • MATH 152 (3) Linear Systems
  • PHYS 157 (3) Introductory Physics for Engineers I
  • PHYS 158 (3) Introductory Physics for Engineers II
  • PHYS 159 (1) Introductory Physics Laboratory for Engineers
  • PHYS 170 (3) Mechanics I
  • WRDS 150 (3) Writing and Research in the Disciplines

Core EE (80 cr.)

Second Year

  • CPEN 211 (5) Computing Systems I
  • CPSC 259 (4) Data Structures and Algorithms for Electrical Engineers
  • ELEC 201 (4) Circuit Analysis I
  • ELEC 202 (4) Circuit Analysis II
  • ELEC 211 (2) Engineering Electromagnetics
  • ELEC 221 (4) Signals and Systems
  • ELEC 281 (3) Technical Communication
  • ELEC 291 (6) Electrical Engineering Design Studio I
  • MATH 253 (3) Multivariable Calculus
  • MATH 256 (3) Differential Equations
  • MATH 264 (1) Vector Calculus for Electrical Engineering

Third Year

  • ELEC 301 (4) Electronic Circuits
  • ELEC 311 (4) Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • ELEC 315 (4) Electronic Materials and Devices
  • ELEC 341 (4) Systems and Control
  • ELEC 342 (4) Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion and Transmission
  • ELEC 391 (6) Electrical Engineering Design Studio II

Forth Year

  • APSC 450 (2) Professional Engineering Practice
  • ELEC 481 (3) Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
  • ELEC 491 (5/10) d Electrical Engineering Capstone Design Project

Electives (37 cr.)

Probability/Statistics Elective (3 cr.)

Complete one of these courses:

  • STAT 302 (3) Introduction to Probability
  • MATH 302 (3) Introduction to Probability
  • MATH 318 (3) Probability with Physical Applications

Breadth Electives (4 cr.)

Complete at least 4 credits from this list of courses:

  • CPEN 311 (4) Digital Systems Design
  • CPEN 333 (3-4) d Software Design for Engineers II
  • ELEC 331 (4) Computer Communications
  • ELEC 352 (4) Electric Energy Systems

Advanced Electives (15 cr.)

Complete at least 15 credits from this list of courses:

  • CPEN 355 (4) Machine Learning with Engineering Applications
  • CPEN 411 (4) Computer Architecture
  • CPEN 412 (4) Microcomputer Systems Design
  • CPEN 455 (4) Deep Learning
  • ELEC 401 (3) Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design
  • ELEC 402 (4) Introduction to VLSI Systems
  • ELEC 403 (3) Advanced Digital VLSI Systems
  • ELEC 404 (3) RF Integrated Circuits
  • ELEC 411 (3) Antennas and Propagation
  • ELEC 412 (3) Optical Waveguides and Photonics
  • ELEC 413 (3) Semiconductor Lasers
  • ELEC 415 (3) Semiconductor Devices: Physics, Design and Analysis
  • ELEC 421 (3) Digital Signal and Image Processing
  • ELEC 431 (3) Communication Systems I
  • ELEC 432 (3) Communication Systems II
  • ELEC 433 (3) Error Control Coding for Communications and Computers
  • ELEC 434 (3) Introduction to Optical Networks
  • ELEC 441 (3) Control Systems
  • ELEC 442 (3) Introduction to Robotics
  • ELEC 451 (4) Power Electronics
  • ELEC 452 (3) Industrial Drives
  • ELEC 453 (4) Power System Analysis
  • ELEC 454 (4) Power System Analysis II
  • ELEC 455 (3) Power Systems Protection
  • ELEC 456 (3) Decision Support Methods in Power Systems Operation
  • ELEC 457 (3) Optimization of Power System Operation
  • ELEC 461 (3) Nanotechnology in Electronics
  • ELEC 462 (3) Sensors and Actuators in Microsystems
  • ELEC 463 (3) Micro/Nanofabrication and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • ELEC 464 (3) Nanotechnology and Nature
  • ELEC 465 (3) Microsystems Design
  • ELEC 471 (3) Medical Imaging
  • ELEC 472 (3) Biomechatronics
  • ELEC 473 (3) Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
  • ELEC 474 (3) Biophotonics
  • ELEC 499 (3/6) c Undergraduate Thesis

An alternative pathway is to complete 8 credits from the list of breadth electives and 12 credits from the list of advanced electives.

Science Elective (3 cr.)

  • FNH 200 (3) Exploring Our Food

Complementary Studies (9 cr.)

  • Humanities and Social Studies Elective 1: JAPN 100 (3) Beginning Japanese IA

  • Humanities and Social Studies Elective 2: NURS 180 (3) Stress and Strategies to Promote Well Being

  • Impact of Technology on Society Elective: PLAN 341 (3) Smart Cities: Concepts, Methods and Design

Free Electives (3 cr.)

  • NURS 280 (3) Human Sexual Health

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